
Where can I find a LDAPMembership/Role provider I can use in EPiServer CMS? I know that Sharepoint have this but am I allowed/is it possible to use them in EPiServer?
Dec 04, 2007 14:57
We created our own membership and role providers wrapping existing libraries for one project. Currently the ActiveDirectoryMembership provider does not work directly. You have to subclass the providers and catch some "Not implemented" exceptions that is thrown when EPiServer Admin UI calls unsupported properties. You need to register their capabilites in EPiServer to get it to work. Read more: http://blog.fredrikhaglund.se/blog/2007/09/28/cant-find-provider-capability-information-for-provider-xyz/ Sincerly, Fredrik Haglund, INEXOR AB http://blog.fredrikhaglund.se/
Dec 04, 2007 16:02
This is ActiveDirectoryProvider? I need an LDAPProvider to query a Novell eDirectory.
Dec 04, 2007 16:29
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