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Subscription issue in version 5


I'm trying to set up subscription based on the page type used in the 'out the box' demo site supplied with version 5. However all the emails sent appear to be in swedish?? The have a subject "Senaste Nytt" and the "read more" text says "Läs mer"

What am i doing wrong? in version 4.61 the page type had MailSubject, MailFrom, MailBody properties which would set the relevant info in the emails - version 5.0 page type doesnt have these - i added them and nothing changes.

What's going on?

I also tried to create my own subscription handler, implementing the ISubscriptionHandler interface. I've managed to get it to "show up" in the Plugin Manager area of the admin site, but despite unticking the default subscription plugin and enabling mine its still sending the default email (in swedish!). With regards to the my custom plugin, can anyone provide code for the following properties - i'm not sure what to do with them and the example i found on here is for v 4.61 which has obsolete/changed classes? public string User EPiServerProfile ISubscriptionHandler.UserData Please help!

Dec 07, 2007 13:38
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