I've read the theming article in the SDK. It refers to the Default theme, which is the one used by edit and admin, and how to add things to that theme. Are we supposed to add to this theme, and not create our own themes?
Additionally, the example shown has this:
<%@ page language="C#" autoeventwireup="true" codebehind="AspxControlTest.aspx.cs" inherits="EPiServerSample.templates.AspxControlTest" masterpagefile="~/ui/masterpages/episerverui.master" %>
It is using the episerverui.master file, which I assume is a good idea, but the "/ui/" part of the path is configurable, and this will break for sure. What are plug-in developers supposed to do? Could we use the masterPageFile attribute of the pages element in web.config to specify this? Or should we call a method in Init to specify the UI part of the path? (As setting the masterpage can only be done before or in Page_Init).
Same thing goes for the theme attribute. If I'd like to re-theme Edit and Admin, could I specify a new theme in web.config:
And it will work just fine? (Assuming I copy the existing default theme, and change it).
One topic, 3 questions. Not bad.
<%@ page language="C#" autoeventwireup="true" codebehind="AspxControlTest.aspx.cs" inherits="EPiServerSample.templates.AspxControlTest" masterpagefile="~/ui/masterpages/episerverui.master" %> %@>
It is using the episerverui.master file, which I assume is a good idea, but the "/ui/" part of the path is configurable, and this will break for sure. What are plug-in developers supposed to do? Could we use the masterPageFile attribute of the pages element in web.config to specify this? Or should we call a method in Init to specify the UI part of the path? (As setting the masterpage can only be done before or in Page_Init). Same thing goes for the theme attribute. If I'd like to re-theme Edit and Admin, could I specify a new theme in web.config: