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Missing two templates with the RC2 SDK installed

Following the "Setting Up a New EPiServer Site with Visual Studio"-guidelines with the RC2 SDK installed I noticed that there's no Masterpage nor Content Page templates to choose from the "Add, New Item..."-dialog. The other templates which appear on the screenshot are there.
Jun 07, 2007 16:13
These two item templates have been removed but the documentation has not been updated accordingly. The MasterPage template is no longer needed since the EPiServer specific implementation has been obsoleted. Please use the standard MasterPage wizard for web applications. The Content Page template has also been removed. Use the Page template instead. The default markup is "trimmed" making it suitable for both. The UI for specifying MasterPage file appears when you add the MasterPageFile attribute in the @Page declaration. Thanks for your input. I will make sure that our documentation is updated.
Jun 08, 2007 0:26
The guide is now updated and published under the revised documentation section. The changes will be part of the next SDK Documentation build as well.
Jun 12, 2007 10:58
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