RC2 problems

Hi! I did a mistake and forgot to export all pages before installing RC3. Now I need to install a temporary RC2 solution to export the content etc. Seems like you've done some changes to the Stored Procedures so I can't use the RC2-database in an RC3-solution or something? But the manager can't install RC2, I get an exception saying it can't find "/DefaultEPiServerSite.systemsetup". Does anyone know how to temporary remove the RC3 or how to fix this, really need to get a hold of the content quick! Thanks in advance, Viktor
Jul 14, 2007 14:37
Hi, You should still be able to install RC2 by choosing it from the online dropdownlist. If it doesn't work, can you specify the steps you are taking, so we can reproduce this locally? Regards
Jul 16, 2007 11:57
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