Integrating a search engine in v5

Hi, Will there be a new version of the Search API from EPiServer Research? The current one only supports up to 4.61. Thanks in advance, Morten.
Aug 03, 2007 15:05

I'm not sure whether this is the right place to post this question but I try it anyway:-)
I'm looking at a possibility to integrate a 3:rd party search engine (Coveo) with EpiServer v5.x. It's my intention to support a number of use cases which calls for a "tight integration" between ES and the SE. I'm a 100% rookie when it comes to ES but have a very good understanding of the SE-API and .Net-development. I'm looking at a possibility to index "ordinary pages" and meta-data assigned to "uploaded files" taking the ES-security set on those items into account. Now:

  1. where do I find a "jumpstart" document/posting related to this topic
  2. the relevant .Net asemblies for the ES v5 CMS

Hmmm, good to see that you use Coveo to power your site search:-)

Many thanks in advance!

Nov 12, 2009 8:20
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