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WebServices and Basic Authentication

I'm trying to connect to my own ASP.NET Development Server and consume an EpiServer DataFactory Service. To to this it is required to use Basic Authentication on the /WebServices folder in the web root. But there is no way (what I can see) to set this in and ASP.NET Developer Server... Is it possible to consume a WebService without setting the network credentials? Or do it in another way? Is it possible to configure the web.config that it will simulate a basic auth? The question is, is it possible to use EPiServer WebServices in my local development computer with Visual Studio and without the regular IIS? Please, any hint to this?
Sep 10, 2007 19:05
During development, using the WebDev.WebServer (aka ASP.NET web server), you could temporarily remove the element from web.config. This will remove the need for basic authentication when using the web service api. This assumes that no other authorization configuration has been done on the application root level. Don't forget to reset the element for the web service path before moving the project to a production server. .f
Sep 11, 2007 13:52
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