Hi all,
Can anyone tell me how do I get the default language branch (or the name or ID of it) in EPiServer 5? In EPiServer 4 I was able to use:
EPiServer.Global.EPConfig["EPsLanguage"] as String;
But this has gone in EPiServer 5, and I can't spot anything likely in
According to the API documentation there's meant to be a method: LanguageBranch.LoadDefaultd, but this method appears not to exist.
Any advice gratefully received!
For the release version you can either use LanguageBranch.LoadSystem() to load the branch with id 1. If you have changed the default branch you should instead use LangauageBranch.List() and return the first enabled branch (there is an method called ListEnabled but I'm not sure if that exists in the release version).
In SP1 that will be out soon you should instead use a new method called EPiServer.DataAbstraction.LanguageBranch.LoadFirstEnabledBranch();