Hi, after sp1 was released i reviewed the buglist at http://labs.episerver.net/buglist/Default.aspx and noticed that there were many bugs tagged as "fixed" that weren't in the sp1 release. I also noticed that a bug i submitted (regarding SelectedExpandedItemTemplate) wasn't in the list. So i assume these fixes will be available in sp2, which leads to the question (although sp1 just recently was released) when will sp2 be available?
/Måns Hjertstrand
Hi Måns!
We have fixed quite a few bugs since "freezing" the SP1 code base for the stabilazation phase. We currently have no plans for a SP2 at the moment so the target for these are the R2 release later this year. These bugs are fixed on a separate code branch though so there's always the posibility to create an SP2 release if necesary but we try to avoid that as it takes a lot of effort to test and stabilize a release version.
Linus Ekström
EPiServer Development Team