is there any documentation about the blogtempalates in the demo package?
I've got it running nicely but I don't understand how to work with the Tag's and Tagcloude
The tags don't showup on the blogItem that I've published and Tag'ed
Hi Jesper
Contained in the blog templates is a scheduled job called "Update tag statistics". If you go into admin mode and run that job, the tagclouds should be updated properly. That job should be run regularly on a site that uses the blogs.
The reason for the use of a scheduled job instead of attached to the publishing event is that it can take some time to run on a large blog. So you don't want it to run every time a page is published.
Also make sure you have the http module below included in your web.config, as it does some of the logic for the tags. It should be set up automatically, but verify that it's there.
/Per Gunsarfs
Hi again,
Where in webconfig should I add this?
I'm testing this on my SDK Epi on my local pc and I did'nt found that blog tag in webconig
And when I add it in between
I get this error: Det går inte att läsa in filen eller sammansättningen EPiServer.Blog
It should work when you put it in . However, I came to think of something. What version of the demo package are you using, the older tech preview, or the newer RC1?
The reason i ask is that the EventHandler class was moved to a different assembly between the tech preview and RC1. The code I first wrote is what should work for RC1. However, if you have the older code you should use this instead:
Btw, if you are using the old tech preview I'd suggest you go and download the RC1. It contains, among other things, a few bug fixes to the blogs.