
Is there any documentation on this function without having to read the source? (all i know is that is uses EPi.CreateDialog) How do i send in default values and such (for editing purposes)?
Feb 29, 2008 11:21
There is an article avaiable here: http://www.episerver.com/en/EPiServer_Knowledge_Center/Documentation/Articles/EPiServer-CMS/Modal-Dialogs-in-the-EPiServer-UI-for-non-IE-Browsers/
Feb 29, 2008 11:38
Yes, but it doesn't answer my question. I want a PageBrowser dialog, which uses special parameters
Feb 29, 2008 11:40
http://labs.episerver.com/en/Blogs/Mari-Jorgensen/Dates/111987/112010/Lessons-learned-Module-Conversion/ <- also a good article but it's about the select image/files dialog
Feb 29, 2008 11:43
I am really not sure of what you want to do but hope this is kind of an answer. EPi.CreatePageBrowserDialog and the PageBrowser dialog is very much connected to EPiServer.Web.WebControls.InputPageReference. It is not intended, though possible, to use in other situations. The function itself but especially the default dialog opened (PageBrowser.aspx) has code for setting the currently selected values to the form controls rendered by InputPageReference when closing it. So the easy answer is to use InputPageReference to get the PageBrowser dialog.
Feb 29, 2008 13:58
ok, skip that one then, but what if i wanted to use EPi.CreateDialog to open up a page browser dialog. I did it this way in 4.61 function SelectLink(postbackCtrlId, href, target, title, text,index) { var url = 'Util/dialogs/HyperlinkProperties.aspx'; var returnvalue; var linkAttributes = new Object(); linkAttributes.href = href; linkAttributes.target = target; linkAttributes.language = ""; linkAttributes.title = title; linkAttributes.text = text; //linkAttributes.imageObject = imageAttributes; linkAttributes.imageDialogUrl = ""; linkAttributes.fileManagerBrowserUrl = ""; linkAttributes.resizeDialogUrl = ""; linkAttributes.parentWindow = window; linkAttributes.fileManagerBrowserUrl = "FileManagerBrowser.aspx?"; url += "?epslanguage=" + linkAttributes.language; url += '&url=' + encodeURIComponent(linkAttributes.href); returnValue = OpenDialog(url, linkAttributes, 445, 412); ... }
Feb 29, 2008 16:24
This is how i did it.. function OpenGetPageDialog() { document.getElementById('PageAddValue').value = ""; document.getElementById('PageAddText').value = ""; EPi.CreatePageBrowserDialog('<%= EPiServer.UriSupport.ResolveUrlFromUIBySettings("edit/pagebrowser.aspx") %>','','False','False','PageAddText','PageAddValue','en', PageDialogClosed); } function PageDialogClosed(returnValue, callbackArguments) { if (document.getElementById('PageAddValue').value.length > 0) { // document.getElementById('PageAddValue') contains the PageId AddPage(document.getElementById('PageAddText').value, document.getElementById('PageAddValue').value); } } and then i have two hidden (PageAddText and PageAddValue) that will recive the selected page. I think it's the second argument (where I have '') that is the selected page.
Mar 11, 2008 11:02
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