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Five New Optimizely Certifications are Here! Validate your expertise and advance your career with our latest certification exams. Click here to find out more
int intPageID=10; DateTime dtStart = new DateTime(); PageData pd = GetPage(new PageReference(intPageId)); PollingForm = XForm.CreateInstance((new Guid((String)pd["PollingForm"]))); PollingForm.PageId = intPageId; if (pd["PollingForm"] != null) { strVal = pd["PollingForm"].ToString(); } foreach (EPiServer.XForms.XFormData data in PollingForm.GetPostedData(intPageId, dtStart, DateTime.Now)) { for (int j = 0; j < data.GetValues().Count; j++) { strGetvalue = (data.GetValues()[j].ToString()); list.Add(new ListItem(strGetvalue, j.ToString())); XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(PollingForm.DocumentForTransfer.ToString()); XmlNodeList xnl = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("span"); if (xnl.Item(j).InnerText.ToString() != "") { strQuestion = xnl.Item(j).InnerText.ToString(); } XmlNodeList xnli = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("xforms:label"); intCount = xnli.Count; // Display the available answer options; if (strnodevalue == "") { for (int i = 0; i < intCount - 1; i++) { list1.Add(xnli.Item(i).InnerText.ToString()); strnodevalue = strnodevalue + "
Afterward i'm creating the HTMl Table object, then i'm pushing the values in to the Html Cell. This is working fine because record less.But when the record is more than that time the performance will get down. So i want to do this one 1)With out using For... Loop.. 2)By using the EPI Server XFrom Properties. if you want more clarification i can attache the sample of my result for your reference. Please guide me to do this one." + xnli.Item(i).InnerText.ToString(); } } } }