I did an export from one EPiServer site and tried to import the export package to an different EPiServer site. When I did the import I received an error stating that one of the page propeerties (eventlocation) couldn't be converted during the import. The importjob stopped.
I know that we have changed that page property (eventlocation) from a string to a custom property in the database that will receive the import. Is there any way to control the standard EPiServer import job to continue even if it gets an execption? It would be nice to be able to continue the import so we can transfer the other valid page properties into a new database. Is that possible?
Is there a simple way to change the XML file to remove the failing property before doing the importjob? Is there any documentation from EPiServer how to do that?
Best Regards
Hi Anders!
No, there is no way to make EPiServer import to continue when you get an error.
I do not know if you would call it simple, but you can open the export package if you change extension to zip. Search for the offending propertyname and remove the whole RawProperty-tag.
Do you include page types in your export package?
Kind regards,
Fredrik Haglund,
INEXOR AB - http://blog.fredrikhaglund.se