I want the default size to be 10, it is now 8 and I want the default font to be Arial. This should be the default values for the editors, when they open. This must be possible to set, or?
Thankful for all help!
Hi Kristina!
First of all, I would recommend you to turn of the font-functionality for the editor as css-classes are the recommended way to go.
With this said, the editor can be loaded with css files by configuration either by setting a page/dynamic property or by setting a value in web.config (We use dynamic properties for our sample content). The selected font in the drop down should reflect the actual font for the body tag in these css file(s). Regarding the font size it just happens to select the first value in the list which happens to be "8". However, when activating the editor it should reflect the currect font size or just an empty value if no custom size has been set.
Linus Ekström
EPiServer Development Team