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Hi Andreas,
I believe the problem is that you are indexing files with microsoft indexing service that are already indexed by EPiServers VirtualPathVersioningProvider. If you are only using the versioning provider there is no need to use indexing server.
Instead of using "SearchDataSource.MainCatalog" you can set searchlocations(if you are using our versioning provider).
EX: SearchDataSource.SearchLocations = "~/Global/,~/Documents/,~/PageFiles/";
When you are using microsoft indexing service you are getting the filename and the searchpath to the physical file as it has been indexed by the service. If you're indexing a files that is of episervers versioning file system the files will be named as a guid. If you go to your VPP folder in explorer you will notice how they are named.
If you want to use VirtualPathNativeProvider and windows indexing service, be sure that you don't include any folders that is of episervers versioning system when you index the files.
Hi Nicklas
I have been investigating the search as discussed above but on x64 bit machine.
i have installed the x64Ifilter as supplied by adobe. I have used the indexservice in debug mode and it seems to load the files into the index all ok except for .doc files. (I get a message for .doc that it could not be added to index.)
I am also using the versioningprovider.
The filemanager search in epi is not returning files. not even for txt files
as this article indicates. :
Please advise how to query the Web catalog for verification purposes on dev.
What vpp provider to use etc..
We are using Index Server for file search. We point out the Catalog to search in (SearchDataSource.MainCatalog = "OurCatalog";) The search seems to work fine but the search result is fysical files. This is a problem.
When we are populating the search result, we can't find any solution to get the LinkURL or the file name (Unified File info) from the Container.DataItem. We only gets the fysical Link (C:\Inetpub\...) and name (FILEGUID.extension).
We have a Repeater to view the result.
How to populate the search result with LinkURL and file name?