Yeah, this is a bug, but it has been fixed and should work in R2 (UnifiedFileCheckedIn not beeing fired).
There is a bug regarding the fact that you cannot open files in FileAdded, perhaps you second issue is covered by that bug.
I'll be back with more info.
I have a versioned filesystem called "Documents" (very original ;-)
In Global.asax I hook into the event UnifiedFile_UnifiedFileCheckedIn to add some metadata to the file (defined in FileSummary.config).
When a used adds a file from filemanager, everything works like a charm, but when users use the drag & drop functionality, this event never fires. Do anyone have an idea why ?
I have tried to move my code to UnifiedDirectory_UnifiedFileAdded, but at this time in the stack the file data havent been saved yet, and I have no file.Summary to work with...
Anyone else finding this behavior a little strange ?