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Xform design and alignment issue


Hi Folks,

Is there any other way to merge the Xfrom table cells in the design region?

How can we place the two controls in xfrom table?

I have splited the xfrom table into two column and i have placed the label(AaHeading control) in one column and textbox in

other column. How can we map these two column while bring result from the XFormData.

For example my xfrom design goes like this.

First Name  Textbox
Last Name Textbox

submit mode(Save in database)

When the user sumitting the data, which is saving the database.
While searching the data through the formdata tab edit mode . it's showing the data whichever posted by the user by taking the

textbox name as column and showing the data accordingly.

But i want to show the result as like label name to be the column name and the corresting textbox data for the column.


ID   Poster User       Date                 First Name         Lastname
1     epiadmin         11-8-08             Test                 Admin

How can we do this?


Jul 11, 2008 13:39
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