CMS With Translate Function like episerver tips ?


I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction i am currenlty building my own cms not in competition to episerver just for my own .net projects but i loved the way episerver handled the multi lingual aspect

I have created my own baspage and was wondering how episerver makes the property translate load the xml file and expose that property to all tags on the active page.

I kinda have an idea how to handle the database saide of things i hate resource files in .net as it does not give the end user a handy way of editing them.


Any suggesionts how i could handle multi lingual

Sep 06, 2008 23:11


EPiServer is redirecting to their own class to hanlde creation of resource factories in web.config like this:

<globalization resourceProviderFactoryType="EPiServer.Resources.XmlResourceProviderFactory, EPiServer" />






Sep 07, 2008 18:14
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