We are in the process of creating a 'Get Started' theme for EPiServer World - a starting point for EPiServer developers.
We plan to launch ''Get Started' sometime in October 2008 - after the EPiServer CMS 5 R2 release.
Until then I can only refer you to the curent SDK documentation, tech notes, articles and forum on EPiServer World. As you may be aware EPiServer hold a variety of courses on EPiServer CMS 5 for developers, see www.episerver.com -> Education.
We have now launched a Get Started theme here on EPiServer World - see the main menu bar. Get Started is aimed at helping beginner EPiServer developers.
We will be updating Get Started on a regular basis.
If you have any suggestions or wish to give feedaback on Get Started - you are more than welcome to post us on the Help us Improve EPiServer World thread.