Problem with file in file management



i did a page with some images stored in file management.

All users have only read priviliges in file management and in the site.

When the user open the page, they can't see the image i stored in a directory in file management.

i have also a link to a word document stored in the same directory. If they click the link they get "you are not authorized to acess ... "


Oct 02, 2009 14:45

My guess is that the link to the document points to a file that is stored in a page folder belonging to a page the is either in the waste basket, deleted, not published or where current date is before start publish date or after stop publish date.

This can easily happend if you copy & paste whole EPiServer pages or links/rich text with links between EPiServer pages and do anything of the above to the original page.


Oct 18, 2009 22:16
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