Producing RSS feeds



Where can I find som good documentation and/or examples of implementing RSS feeds in EPiServer? I've searched on the topic but the only reference I found was the "Arbeta med mallar" guide which didn't help at all (I don't have a "RSS source" page type).


/Per Erik Stendahl

Dec 08, 2009 12:52

Hi Per

RSS source page type is a page type from the Public Templates project that lets you point to a container page in EPiServer and generate a RSS feed out of its children. If you don't have access to the sites source code, I would perhaps consider using something like Yahoo! Pipes to generate a RSS feed for you.

Dec 08, 2009 21:02

Hi Per!

If you're just looking to implement a page type that consumes an RSS-feed and display it on a page then I suggest you take a look at RSS.NET which is an open source project using .NET to consume RSS-feeds.

With RSS.NET you can then create a page type that displays the consumed feed.

In a similiar manner you can use RSS.NET to create a feed that can be consumed by other applications (e.g. fetching all pages you need and adding them to the RSS collection). How you choose to expose this feed is up to you. One way to go is to create a Http Handler (.ashx) to expose the generated feed.

Here's a post on how to create a Http Handler:

Happy coding! :)

Dec 21, 2009 22:51
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