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Problem handling 404 errors on friendly-URLs



I have an EPi server based website with friendly URL mappings in the EPi section for all the pages, so instead of a page id, user will be just see the furl.

Now the problem is that I have a requirement to handle 404 requests (in my case, it means 'incorrect friendly urls') with a custom error page, which I am unable to resolve. The util/NotFound.aspx gets shown each time an incorrect furl is typed and when I change the custome error page in IIS website settings, it shows with the custom error page on every click on the website, i.e. even if I click a regular link with a correct furl, it shows me the custom error page. So, the site doesn't work. As soon as I restore it to NotFound.aspx, it runs fine.

Can someone lend any help/suggestions in this regard.

Thanks a lot!

P.S. I am new Tto EPi server dev, so please bear with any green inputs. :)

Jul 23, 2009 6:41


What version of EPiServer are you running? Is it perhaps EPiServer CMS 4? If it it then you have to make sure that your 404 error page is an aspx. It doesn't have to be /util/notfound.aspx, but it has to be an aspx file. The reason for that is the request has to enter the world of so that EPiServer can check the request and see if it matches any furl.

If it's EPiServer CMS 5 the reason is something else since the furl works differently in that version.


Per Gunsarfs
EPiServer CMS development team

Jul 23, 2009 8:57

^^ Thanks for your reply. Yes, the page intented to be used is an aspx page, still the same issue.

One more thing which I would like to highlight is that even when I edit the util/notfound.aspx file, it still shows the same old text, i.e. the content is not getting picked from here.

Jul 23, 2009 11:20

I just found that the error text is coming from the 'languageEN.xml' file. Is there any way through which I can show an aspx page which overrides this text?

 P.S. The EPi server version is 4.

Jul 27, 2009 9:07
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