A "hacky" solution could be with location path, like this in web.config:
<location path="epiui/admin/EditUser.aspx">
<allow roles="WebAdmins, Administrators" />
<deny users="*" />
Or you could inherit from the MembershipProvider, override CreateUser() and add some checks there.
(edited because the code editor messed up a little)
Thanks Magnus, those look pretty good solutions. :-)
But, just to be clear in my own mind, there is no standard functionality in CMS 5 to do this?
No problem.
I don't think there is any functionality like that in EPiServer. But there are lots of support for handling authorization, user rights etc. in ASP.Net anyway... I think EPiServer wants to leave as much as possible to the standard framework, which I wholeheartedly approve. :)
Is it possible to restrict user creation to admin user sub-groups in EPiServer 5 CMS?