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Total site crash


Just before 16:00 on saturday our site went down and went down bad. Checking logs of any kind I have some key points. CPU Usage went from aprox 5% to 50% and has stayed there. The IIS is rapporting a whole lot of "faulting w3wp process" and the EPiServer Log showing many

"System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'EPiServer.CacheManager' threw an exception. ---> EPiServer.Core.EPiServerException: No runtime cache is defined for interface EPiServer.BaseLibrary.IRuntimeCache".

The sites code hasn't been changed for over a week so no recent changes should affect this and the error occured on a saturday when there is little traffic on the site. The above mentioned EpiServer Log error has by now stopped occur but the site won't start and the CPU Usage stays on about 50% all the time.

Anyone who has any idea why the error could occured?

Feb 22, 2010 9:28

Forgot to mention the site is EPiServer CMS5 R2 SP1 running on a Windows 2008 server

Feb 22, 2010 9:28

Problem resolved. There was a cyclic page reference errror that caused the total site knockdown. Maybe an upgrade to SP2 is the next step :)

Feb 22, 2010 16:19
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