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Admin interface missing translation?



I wondered if anyone could give me some advice on how to resolve the problem described below:

On my local EPiServer installation no translation for the admin interface shows up. For example, on the default login screen it says "No translation for /login/username, en" and when logged in "No translation for /edit/editcommand/logouthelp, en" (these are just two examples).

What could be the problem and how can I solve it?

Since no language files seem to be missing I'm starting to suspect the problem has to do with some language setting being wrong.

I'm running EPiServer CMS 5.2.375.133.


Jun 09, 2010 8:38

Hej Marcus!

I'm facing the same problem you describe above, i see you posted this almost one year ago, so maybe you can give me a tip on how you fixed it? I've tried googling without any success so far.

I'd really appreciate any help!

Thanks in advance,





May 17, 2011 10:12
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