Changing "Page name in web address" - change delayed?



We've experienced some problems after we've changed "Page name in web address" (in Swedish: "Sidans namn i webbadress") on a couple of pages. Somehow the changes seem to be delayed, whether because of caching I don't know.

This is what we did:

We had two parallell sites, let's call them "Site" and "Site Temp". Development and updates were made on "Site temp" and when it was finished, we changed the "Page name in web address" on "Site" to "Site Old" and "Site Temp" to "Site".

Is "Page name in web address" subject to caching or how does it work?




Jan 25, 2011 10:46


What is the time span of the delay you are experiencing? There are two caches involved (at least as far as I know): the page cache and a micro cache in the friendly url module. The page cache should be flushed instantly when changing the page but the micro cache might not be flushed. However, this cache is only a couple of seconds so if the delay you are experiencing is more than say half a minute there might be something else involved.

Linus Ekström
EPiServer Development Team

Jan 25, 2011 12:58

I believe the time span is longer than you describe so there probably is something else involved.


Does the page cache get flushed if you re-publish a page without making any changes on it?

Jan 25, 2011 13:53


I checked the cache mechanism and the page is removed from the cache when publishing the page even if no properties have been changed. I still don't know the reason for the issue though.


Jan 27, 2011 9:04

Thanks anyway for looking into the issue!

We managed to get this working after a while. Could've been something we did wrong in our EPiServer environment.



Jan 27, 2011 9:07

To ensure that it is not the FURL cache that is involved you could turn it off by adding attribute friendlyUrlCacheAbsoluteExpiration="0:0:0" to the configuration for FURL provider, like below:

<urlRewrite defaultProvider="EPiServerFriendlyUrlRewriteProvider">
      <add name="EPiServerFriendlyUrlRewriteProvider" type="EPiServer.Web.FriendlyUrlRewriteProvider,EPiServer" friendlyUrlCacheAbsoluteExpiration="0:0:0"/>
      <add description="EPiServer identity URL rewriter" name="EPiServerIdentityUrlRewriteProvider"
        type="EPiServer.Web.IdentityUrlRewriteProvider,EPiServer" />
      <add description="EPiServer bypass URL rewriter" name="EPiServerNullUrlRewriteProvider"
        type="EPiServer.Web.NullUrlRewriteProvider,EPiServer" />

<urlRewrite defaultProvider="EPiServerFriendlyUrlRewriteProvider">    


<add name="EPiServerFriendlyUrlRewriteProvider" type="EPiServer.Web.FriendlyUrlRewriteProvider,EPiServer" friendlyUrlCacheAbsoluteExpiration="0:0:0"/>      



Jan 27, 2011 9:25
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