Thanks for the reply Erik, I tried using Stop publish date but must be doing something wrong. I tried not using the Instance in the PageDataCollection but it does not work either. I get this error message from the server "The property PageStopPublish is read-only."
public static PageReference parent = new PageReference(10);
public PageDataCollection pageCollection = DataFactory.Instance.GetChildren(parent);
public void unpublishOldPages()
foreach (PageData p in pageCollection)
if (//Some code)
p.StopPublish = DateTime.Now;
You need to create a writable clone of the pagedata object, and then of course save it.
in the foreach
PageData writablePage = p.CreateWrtableClone();
writablePage.StopPublish = DateTime.Now;
Datafactory.Instance.Save(writablePage, yourparams...);
Hi guys:
First time using the forum, hope I can get some help here.
I am currently working on a project where I need to unpublish pages programmatically. If the information does not exist anymore in the source, then I need to unpublish those pages in my EPiServer installation. I found how to publish pages programmatically but cannot find the unpublish option. Any help or tips will be appreciated.