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File manager within edit mode is redirecting at odd times



Our client is experiencing some issues whilst editing pages in edit mode, and I was wondering if you've heard of this happening before, or whether this is symptomatic of running this particular version of EPiServer, and whether an upgrade to version 6 would rectify it.

NB: This issue is sporadic, and doesn't seem to be replicated easily.

Firstly, the user will navigate to the page they wish to edit, then populate an image field. When trying to upload an image, the file manager popup gets launched. They then navigate to the folder they want to upload files to, and create the sub folders in which they want to upload to.

This is where the problem occurs. Sometimes, during creation of a directory or uploading of an image, the user will be dumped back into the root of the global files directory.

I asked how far through the process of creation / uploading they get before being redirected, and when creating a folder, if they are redirected, that folder is not created. If they are uploading an image, sometimes that image will not be created, or a temporary file is created in the place of the image, as the transfer has been interrupted.

On some occasions, the user can just navigate the file manager and experience this issue without any apparent trigger.

We have tried creating new accounts and asking users to use those instead, but the problem still occurs.

Any help's appreciated!



Jun 14, 2011 10:51
This thread is locked and should be used for reference only. Please use the Episerver CMS 7 and earlier versions forum to open new discussions.
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