In siteSettings (EPiServer.config) you can set the url rebase kind to urlRebaseKind="ToRootRelative".
Seems to be a part of R2 so I only get errors when I try to get it in.
Solved it by changing some of the flawed logic we had in place unrelated to episerver
We have the language after our domain such as, etc.
Whenever we load a page all of our href's is being set as "../link" instead of "/link" thus being relative to the root
instead of the language. We're under the suspicion this is epi's doing behind the scenes.
Whenever we get the same links and use the same logic to set them with Ajax calls(no page reload) the links work just fine.
How to change this behavior?
TL:DR On page loads, <a href> links get ../ put infront of them, NOT WANTED BEHAVIOR :)