Using ChangePassword control



I "need" to use the asp:ChangePassword control in my SC3.1 solution. It fails immediately (I have not implemented any custom code) when it tries to find the Username for whom to change password. Has anyone implemented this control?


Object reference not set to an instance of an object.  

StarSuite.Core.Web.Authorization.IntegrationMembershipProvider.GetUser(String username, Boolean userIsOnline) +33
   System.Web.Security.MembershipProvider.GetUser(String username, Boolean userIsOnline, Boolean throwOnError) +31

Oct 14, 2008 17:23
I did a small test and saw in my wecb.config that the default membership provider was set to

I changed this to


and everything magically worked. That brings me to my next question; what is the difference between these to providers?

Oct 15, 2008 10:44

Hi Marius,

The StarSuiteMembershipProvider is the "default" provider that will look in the Community tables.

The StarSuiteIntegrationMembershipProvider is used when you want to use a another provider as default provider, for instance a Windows provider. After your default provider has authenticated the user, the user will be copied to the Community tables by the StarSuiteIntegrationMembershipProvider, since the Community product is dependent on the existence of the user in the Community tables.

Hope this clarifies things!



Oct 15, 2008 12:04


Yes, that clarifies a lot :) Thanks, again!


Oct 15, 2008 12:53
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