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Hi Marius,
The topics are automatically prioritized by Announcement, Prioritized (sticky), Normal topic - no matter the sort order you specify.
Passing TopicSortField.LastReply (Descending) will also sort the topics based on LastReply, Changed, Created, resulting in a common forum listing where the topic with the most recent change end up on top.
What's the best practice for getting the forums, rooms and topics listed according to those parameters? The programmers manual and the admin lets us set these parameters, but there is no examples on how to retrieve the data in some sensible way (I know I complain a lot about the lack of documentation and example code but it't my opininon). I use
this.repeaterForumTopics.DataSource = ForumHandler.GetRoom(RoomID).GetTopics(page, Utils.PAGE_SIZE_NORMAL, out totalItems, new TopicSortOrder(TopicSortField.Created, SortingDirection.Ascending) );
today, but this is a brute force "get all" method. I'm thinking of lookin into the Query methods, but is this the way to go? Are there any working examples i can look at?