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Community Activity Gadget Error


The Community Activity Gadget in the dashboard is giving me this error when loaded:

"There was an error initializing ComponentArt Web.UI for silverlight.

Please configure the web application as outlined in the QuickStart section of the documentation."

I thought it might be due to this entry in the configuration file being in the wrong location:

<add name="CartLicense" verb="*" path="CartLicense.axd" type="ComponentArt.Silverlight.Server.LicensingHandler, ComponentArt.Silverlight.Server" />

but I have confirmed it is located under /Configuration/system.webServer/handlers and I'm running on IIS7.

Anyone know what might be causing this error?

Apr 12, 2011 0:28

Some more information which may help.

The following error can be found in the log "Path /ClientBin/CartLicense.axd' was not found".

Edited, May 10, 2011 6:22
May 10, 2011 6:29

Found it. There are two references to CartLicense.axd in the web config and I was missing one of them. Finally tracked it down in the config modification files in the Install folders.

May 12, 2011 1:16

Hi! Would you care to share what the second location was? :) Thanks!

Nov 15, 2012 17:01
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