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Community ImageHandler.ashx turns transparent background to black


Community gallery's transparent background images are displayed with black background when image is resized (from ImageHandler.ashx). When image is displayed in its real resolution without resizing everything is ok. How can I handle transaparent image resize?


Apr 12, 2013 13:27

Not knowing how the ImageHandler.ashx works, but it's not an easy task to resize palette based and transparent images. You could use the popular framework ImageResizer.Net. You can also search StackOverflow for some answers

Apr 12, 2013 16:16

Hello Garancha,

I think you should be able to change a setting called imgExtension in Web.config under --> sites --> site --> imageGallery. If you change this to ".png" it should hopefully work better. I remember having the same problem a couple of years ago and I think this solved our problem.


Apr 16, 2013 11:12

Johan, ImageHandler.ashx functionality is out of the box for Community. Community costs about 200000NOK. Why should I have to rewrite or replace default image handler? It points out that Community is broken by desing. There is no value for money.


Martin, I allready changed format from .jpg to .png but it does not work.

Apr 17, 2013 14:26
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