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Community is missing on feed


Is there way to get Community and/or Relate+ package via nuget? There are available EPiServer.CMS.Core, EPiServer.Framework, EPiServer.Search and even EPiServer.Mail packages. But no package for EPiServer.Community?

Apr 02, 2013 16:25

We deliberately excluded components that were unchanged compared to the original release. How does this affect your solution? I'm trying to get the use case. :)

Apr 05, 2013 11:38

Thank you for answer. I didn't understand you. There are available all Episerver CMS components via nuget packages. Even more - there is Episerver.Mail nuget package which, if I'm right , is more Community rather than CMS component. But there isn't Community nuget pakage! What is the point? Community is built on CMS. To make Community/Relate site I should make references to both CMS assemblies and Community assemblies. And if I'm using nuget I expect that all Episerer assembly references culd be obtained via nuget. But itsn't so. Why?

You mentioned something about "unchanged compared to the original release". What does it means? Are you saying that CMS is changing but Community not, arn't you?


Apr 12, 2013 10:20

I think it would be nice to have Community as a nuget package aswell. Every other dependancy we have in our current project is a Nuget package. Because of that we still have to do a post-build copy of assemblies just to get Community in place.

Jun 10, 2013 8:32
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