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Global block is not saved


I have a cleanly installed EPiServer 6R2 with Composer 4R2 on a SQL2008R2 with IIS7 and Framework 4.0. Clearly I had to make quite some alterations to make it work on Framework 4.0 but I think I followed all the steps and as far as I can tell things are running smooth. No errors in Firebug either.

Except for one thing: When I want to save a content block of composer as a global block it does not actually save it. No error is given either. The logged in user has the needed rights since the optin to save a block as global is available.

Looking into it I noticed 2 Async POSTS being made to /Dropit/Plugin/Extension/UI/Edit/Factory/SaveAsGlobalFunction.aspx. Both containing the relevat data of the block and one with action "Validate" and one with action "SaveAsGlobalFunction". Unfortunately both return with 200 OK and the following XML: 

<response>* Error when saving global block</response>

I have no Idea what is causing it and I Have tried alomst everything dealing with access rights and security. Anyone got an idea? I can provide configs if needed, Is there a log I can check to see the underlying exception?




Sep 13, 2012 18:42

I have also this problem, nothing is happening when i try to save a block as global. Is this a bug in composer? the site is running in IIS7 .Net version 4.0. Everything else is working perfectly.


Oct 26, 2012 12:14

What languages are you running on the site? sometimes you need to setup fallback language for the commerce node in the tree which is hidden by default.

Oct 26, 2012 15:59

Currently 16 different languages, en is default. 

I tried to set all languages as available to the [Extension data container] and then set all languages but 'en' to fallback to 'en'. but still no luck. 

I have also tried different browsers, Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome. Same result, nothing happens when i click Save...


Oct 26, 2012 16:41

I sent this to Support and the soulution is as follows:

Please make sure that <compilation> node in web.config has debug attribute set to false (<compilation debug="false" ...).

And if the site is configured to run on .Net Framework 4.0, the <pages> tag must have controlRenderingCompatibilityVersion="3.5" and clientIDMode=”AutoID”.


That worked for me anyways :-)

Oct 30, 2012 11:46
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