Mailing a EPiServer page in CMS 5?


Whenever I select a EPiServer CMS page for my HTML content it says 'No HTML content' found on the Preview/Send page, and displays a little red star next to the Browse button when I switch back to the HTML-content page. Anyone else experienced this? Creating my own HTML content or fetching an external URL seems to work flawlessly.

I'm using CMS 5 and the latest version of EPiServer Mail (4.3.0).

Dec 03, 2008 14:11
It sounds like the page you are using as content is not in published state?
Dec 03, 2008 15:24

All the pages I have tried are published in all the languages that exist on the website.

Dec 04, 2008 13:31

Hi Kristian,

Is it possible for your server to resolve the URL you are connecting to? What I mean is if you are browsing from your server, will the server be able to reach the site?


Jan 12, 2009 9:24
Thank you Tom, the problem was that our preview server was unreachable without the proper authentication procedure. The issue did not appear at all in the live environment.
Feb 03, 2009 11:37

Great news!


Feb 04, 2009 11:04

Make sure that your siteUrl-setting in Web.config/EPiServer.config is correct. I had problems with EPiServer Mail preview/sending when using an alternative hostname different from the one defined in siteUrl.

Jul 06, 2011 14:52
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