Hi Viktor,
A empty Mail tab usually means that you are not authenticated. What providers are you using? If SQL is your user a member of the MailAdmins? You could also check Tom's blog post about the subject.
I have the same problem, I've created a MailAdmins group in the admin mode, what else?
I´m having the exact same problem as you guys trying to install EpiserverMail 4.4 SP1.
I´m running a custom membership provider and It doesn´t seem as the users gets copied to the tblEPiServerCommonUser table which I understand should be the case.
This is my configuration section for the providers. Is anyone seeing something messed up?
<roleManager enabled="true" defaultProvider="CompanyRoleProvider" cacheRolesInCookie="true">
<clear />
<add name="CompanyRoleProvider" connectionStringName="CompanyModel" applicationName="Company" type="Company.Logic.Security.CompanyRoleProvider" />
<membership defaultProvider="EPiServerCommonIntegrationMembershipProvider"
<clear />
<add applicationName="Company" connectionStringName="CompanyModel"
enablePasswordRetrieval="true" enablePasswordReset="true" requiresQuestionAndAnswer="false"
name="CompanyMembershipProvider" type="Company.Logic.Security.CompanyMembershipProvider" />
<add applicationName="EPiServerCommonApplication" provider="CompanyMembershipProvider"
roleToSynchronize1="*" name="EPiServerCommonIntegrationMembershipProvider"
type="EPiServer.Common.Web.Authorization.IntegrationMembershipProvider, EPiServer.Common.Web.Authorization" />
I'm having an issue with a new installation of EPiServermail. I've followed the installationsinstructions, but the Mail-tab is empty.
According to the eventviewer, everything seems ok.