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cancel scheduled mail


Is it possible to cancel an episerver mail that has been scheduled to be sent? I've tried by removing it from sent list but that had no effect.


Mar 09, 2010 8:50

Has anyone ever figured out how to cancel a scheduled mail, or does that feature not exist?

Apr 30, 2014 17:17


I'd also like to know if it's possible to cancel a scheduled mail.

On the EPiServerMailHandler class there's a method called SendCancellationOrderMail. Can this somehow be used to cancel the mail?

Jun 26, 2014 10:26

For whatever it's worth...

I scheduled a mail to be sent at a certain time. A couple of minutes before the mail was due to be sent, I deleted it. The result was that no mail was sent. So maybe that's the way to go if you have to cancel a scheduled mail?

It's worth noting that we're using EPiServer Mail 7.

Edited, Jun 26, 2014 14:44
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