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Mailing statistic images broken



I have installed EPiServer Mail on a clean AlloyTech solution.  I was able to send out e-mails and get open and click analytics successfully, but when I go into the Message Statistics menu and navigate to the Delivery Report and Unsubscription Report tabs, I am getting broken images. 

The URL of these images are of the form /EPiServerMail/cachedimageservice.axd?data=c45b9d14-1af3-45bd-91cc-23bfd31fda5c.  We have also witnessed a similar issue on the EPiServerMail install of one of our clients.

Any advice?

Aug 03, 2012 18:03

We have the same issue with our system as well.  We are using a new EPiServer Mail installation and none of the reports work.  They just show broken images.

We also noticed that the number of clicks shown by the "Show/Hide Link Statistics" overlay is not inline with what is shown in the Mailing page (or what is in the database).  For instance, for one of our mailings we have 36 clicks but in the message statistics the overlays all say "0 clicks".

Aug 15, 2012 16:56

Regarding the CachedImageService problem we've experienced the same problem on a site running on the .net 4 framework. For us we got it to work by removing the text ",runtimeVersionv2.0" from the handler looking like this:

<add name="compcharts" verb="GET" path="cachedimageservice.axd" type="ComponentArt.Charting.CachedImageService,ComponentArt.Charting.WebChart" preCondition="integratedMode,runtimeVersionv2.0" />


Apparently this setting results in the cachedimageservice.axd only working if running on the .net 2 framework, don't ask me why this setting is there in EPiServer Mail though.

Best regards


Edited, Aug 15, 2012 17:33
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