Hi Frederick
That error is on page load so Im not even seeing the form to add user or group. Is it something you have seen before?
Nope, I had another problem with adding Users/Groups where I recieved a NullReferenceException after posting the form. But the user still got added though.
Anyway, managed to reproduce the error locally. It seems that the wrong .ascx files got added.
I did a compare between the hotfix 2, EditGroupTabPageGroupSettings.ascx and EditUserTabPageUserSettings.ascx, and they where identical to the sp1 ones.
When I checked their code behind I saw that btnSearchGroups and btnShowAllGroups was missing.
So adding something like
<asp:Button runat="server" ID="btnSearchGroups" Text="btnSearchGroups" />
<asp:Button runat="server" ID="btnShowAllGroups" Text="btnShowAllGroups" />
should fix the error for now.
We are sorry about this packaging error, the corrected archive will be available for download shortly.
The correct version is now available at http://world.episerver.com/Download/Items/Hotfixes/EPiServer-Community/Hotfix-2---EPiServer-Community-32-SP1/, we're sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Hi Håkan
Thanks for the quick hotfix. I have now got this working but the installation instructions are incorrect.
The ascx files need to be dropped into EPiServerCommunity\Security\ not EPiServerCommunity\Modules\Security\ for this issue to resolve.
They files do exist in both locations but it looks like files in Modules\Security are not used here. Not sure if they are used elsewhere?
Hmm, you're right that EPiServerCommunity\Modules\Security is not the correct path... D'oh!
However, to my knowledge there shouldn't be a security folder in EPiServerCommunity\Modules, was that folder created when the hotfix was first installed?
No both Security folders are created when installing RelatePlus 1.0.1.
I have deleted files in EPiServerCommunity\Modules\Security and everything works fine so looks like folder was added by mistake and the wrong path added to installation instructions!
I am getting the following error after installing Relate+ and Hotfix1 & HotFix 2 (including Dlls, SQl Script and ascx files)
I am logging in as the administrator set up on install so permissions should no t be an issue.
Has anyone seen this before?
Click on Community -> System Settings -> Add User I get the following error
It is also the same for Add Group