Hi Efe,
There seems to be some issue with the CMS, probably in the CacheManager. It's hard to know exactly what it is. I recommend you to enable logging (see http://world.episerver.com/en/Documentation/Items/Tech-Notes/EPiServer-CMS-5/EPiServer-CMS-5-R2-SP1/Logging-in-EPiServer-CMS-5/)to see if you can find out something more.
Best regards,
Thanks for that idea Tom. I've enabled logging and the recurring error is:
2009-02-25 13:00:40,277\t(null)\t1.2.5 Unhandled exception in ASP.NET
System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Boolean System.Web.HttpRuntime.get_UsingIntegratedPipeline()'.
at EPiServer.Web.StaticFileHandler.BeginProcessRequest(HttpContext context, AsyncCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Web.HttpApplication.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute()
at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously)
The edit section loads but none of the css, javascript or images are displayed. Trying to access any of the files within the Application directory via a browser leads to the 500 internal server error and error above being displayed.
The machine is a Windows Server 2003, .NET 3.5 SP1, IIS 6.0.
On the forums I've sen that the 'get_UsingIntegratedPipeline()' refers to IIS 7, but I'm using IIS 6.0
any thoughts?
This method is available in the System.Web.dll of the .NET framework 2.0.50727.3053 (ie after .NET 2.0 SP2).
This problem happened to me even though I had .NET framework 3.5 SP1 on Vista Enterprise. I then borrowed System.Web.dll version 2.0.50727.3053 from my colleague and dropped in the GAC and restarted the IIS. It worked.
evening developers,
I'm trying to set up a local version of a Relate + site, using an already existing user DB allowing existing users to have a play with some of the features.
I get the following stack trace error:
[TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'EPiServer.DataAbstraction.UnifiedPathInfo' threw an exception.]
at EPiServer.DataAbstraction.UnifiedPathInfo.Load(String path)
at EPiServer.FileSystem.DefaultAccessControlList..ctor(String path)
at EPiServer.Web.Hosting.UnifiedDirectory.get_DirectoryAC()
at EPiServer.Web.Hosting.UnifiedDirectory.QueryAccess()
at EPiServer.Web.Hosting.UnifiedDirectory.QueryDistinctAccess(AccessLevel access)
at EPiServer.Web.Hosting.VirtualPathVersioningProvider.GetDirectory(String virtualPath)
at EPiServer.Web.Hosting.VirtualPathHandler.InitializeProviders(ProviderSettingsCollection providers)
at EPiServer.Web.InitializationModule.InitializeVirtualPathProviders(VirtualPathElement vpElement)
at EPiServer.Web.InitializationModule.Initialize(EPiServerSection config, Settings settings, ConnectionStringSettingsCollection connectionStringSettings)
at EPiServer.Web.InitializationModule.StaticInitialization()
at EPiServer.Web.InitializationModule.Application_BeginRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Web.HttpApplication.SyncEventExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute()
at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously)
[Inner exception TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'EPiServer.CacheManager' threw an exception.]
at EPiServer.StaticCacheKey..ctor(String keyName)
at EPiServer.DataAbstraction.UnifiedPathInfo..cctor()
some more points:
- The Unified file paths have ben used for other Episerver applications and work fine
- the DB copnnection for the DB has been tested
I've read an article at http://world.episerver.com/Forum/Pages/Thread.aspx?id=23087&epslanguage=en (SP3 Upgrading problems
I tried Martin Kulov's module, but still no success.
Has any body encountered any issues?
have any suggestions?
the Episerver dlls in Relate + are version 5.2.375.7
Thanks in advance