Sample source and Club ID


 I'm trying to modiy the Sample Source to render recipientcontainers based on Club ID. Any idea how to do this?

/// Return a collection of recipientcontainers using paging and sorting
What site to use
/// Page and pagesize is used to find the correct starting record for the result
/// Pagesize is used to return the correct number of items in the collection
/// The total number of items available
/// The expected sort order
public RecipientContainerCollection GetRecipientContainers(EPiServer.Common.ISite site, int page, int pageSize, out int totalItems, params RecipientContainerSortOrder[] order)
totalItems = 0;
// The StarSuite site doesn't apply in any sensible way.
if (site == null)
RecipientContainerCollection rcc = new RecipientContainerCollection();

using (DbDataReader reader = DatabaseHandler.GetReader("spSampleEPiServerMailGetNewsletters", page, pageSize, GetSortString(order)))
while (reader.Read())
totalItems = reader.GetInt32(3);

return rcc;
return new RecipientContainerCollection();

Jul 14, 2009 15:27
Jul 14, 2009 20:50
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