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Visual Studio Integration with Relate plus


After I installed VSintegration.msi in the relate plus package, I am not able to get the asp controls for relate plus.

What package should I install to get the relate plus controls in Visual Studio? 

Jul 20, 2009 11:42

Hi, im not sure of what you meen but we do not have any controls for the relate plus package. We do have some webcontrols but these controls have to be registred before you can use them. Like the relate button and others.


Aug 17, 2009 11:25


This is a question being asked at our company as well. Bearing in mind that you create an EPiServer site using the EPiServer Deployment Centre, how does one then go and develop against it using visual studio?

Thank you

Feb 19, 2010 17:17

Relate+ is nothing more than sample CMS templates(page types) / user controls  and webcontrols. You will have to install the relate+ sample site and then manually  copy all the files into visual studio.

Relate+ is a package (CMS templates built on episerver community framework) which is equivalent to EPiServer public templates . You can use the vs integration to add episerver page types , properties etc but no special thing for relate +.

We've installed the relate+ templates on top of existing CMS site , and the whole  process was manuall . It wouldn't take you more than few hours.


Feb 19, 2010 23:42

Hi Muhammad,

Thank you for your reply. That has cleared a lot of things up. If possible, could you please write a quite set of instructions on how to do this from the start. i.e. 1) create a site using EPiServer Deployment Center, 2. Use visual studio to ....

Even if very brief, it would be of great help.

Thank You

Edited, Feb 20, 2010 0:28
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