Unfortunately you have to do this manually by installing a standard Relate+ site, and then copy the community files over to the target site, update web.config and modify the connection string with the new community database.
After some "try / error" I have to ask: do you have any document called "how to install relate+ on existing CMS5 site for dummies"?
Hi Jorma,
There are 5 steps mentioned at the bottom in below article. I hope it will help you.
Hi Shahid!
Unfortunately it did not help me. I have managed to do the things mentioned in the article but there are some other things that are missing. The article does not mention anything about dlls or translate files or settings.settings that has to be copied as well. Just now I get error messages like "Value cannot be null.Parameter name: parentCategory" or "System.ArgumentNullException: Parameter has no page set
Parameter name: pageLink".
The only way to go further is to try to find what is wrong and fix it. And that I have done several times just to get a new fine error message. I just don't understand if this is the way everyone does... Why can there not be a simple solution for simple people like me?
I'm sorry if I sound like whiny, but that's just because I am whiny. :D
Hello Jorma!
The error you get is probably caused by the fact that the "Home" page imported via the RelatePlus.episerverdata package is not the startpage for the site. The default Relate+ template project requires the "Home" page to be the start page of the entire site because it is used to store global settings. Try setting the pageStartID attribute in web.config to the ID of the "Home" page (you can mouse hover over it in the page tree to see it's ID).
I am currently expanding the instructions on how to install Relate+ on an existing site, the changes will be published shortly.
Hi Mr Pirate! :D
That helped a little! Now I can browse Forum and Tags pages. The System.ArgumentNullException error of pageLink is gone. However the The System.ArgumentNullException error of parentCategory still exists and "ImageGallery' does not have an attribute with the name 'IsPublic' assigned to it".
When I tried to compare pure Relate+ installation and the CMS5 R2 + Community + Mail + RelatePlus modules installation, I found a difference in database at tblEPiServerCommonAttribute table:
pure Relate+
intID strName intObjectTypeID strDataType blnHidden
12 EPiServerMailSubscriber 1 System.Boolean, mscorlib 0
11 EPiServerMailUserGuid 1 System.String, mscorlib 1
2 IsMale 1 System.Boolean, mscorlib 0
3 LivesIn 1 System.String, mscorlib 0
1 msisdn 1 System.String, mscorlib 0
4 MsnId 1 System.String, mscorlib 1
5 SkypeUsername 1 System.String, mscorlib 0
10 BelongsToClub 2 EPiServer.Community.Club.Club, EPiServer.Community.Club 1
6 IsPublic 2 System.Boolean, mscorlib 1
7 Owner 2 EPiServer.Common.Security.IUser, EPiServer.Common.Framework 1
8 CmsPageIds 3 System.Int32, mscorlib 1
9 BelongsToClub 4 EPiServer.Community.Club.Club, EPiServer.Community.Club 1
CMS5 R2 + Community
intID strName intObjectTypeID strDataType blnHidden
3 EPiServerMailSubscriber 1 System.Boolean, mscorlib 0
2 EPiServerMailUserGuid 1 System.String, mscorlib 1
1 msisdn 1 System.String, mscorlib 0
It seems to me that f.ex 'IsPublic' attribute is missing after installing on excisting CMS5 R2. I tried to add missing attributes direct i databasen, but no difference.
I'm really happy You are working on expanding the instructions on how to install Relate+ on an existing site. That is really what has needed a long time.
Whenver you installed relate + on existing sites, you will have to go through few additional settings
1. You must have installed the EPiServer community framework (via deployment centre) on existing site and then import all relate + package files into your existing solution.
2. EPiServer relate+ expect few additional settings / attributes should exists in community database before you start using relate+ page types.
3. If you install the fresh / pure relate plus site , deployment centre does every thing for you and you are ready to go.
4. But mostly, people have to install the relate plus on existing site , which is nightmare especially when no enough documentation is available.(about relate plus package)
5. You need to create attributes for (ImageGallery, IUser, Club etc) . You can do this through community admin (NOT THROUGH DIRECTLY IN DATABASE)
6. If you have correctly installed community , you will find a community tab within your episerver admin tree.
7. You will also need to add few key / values directly in database (for friendship request to work etc)
8. I can post you exact names of these attributes ,and key / value pairs that should exists in database . If any of these are missing, you will keep getting errors.
9 .Also, make sure you have set the correct parent category id in your web.config file (I mean community categories , root group id, root forum id etc)
Hi Muhammad and Erik, och thank You for sharing!
It's getting better! Just three things I have problem with.
1. MyPage gives: "FrameworkException: The type 'EPiServer.Community.ImageGallery.ImageGallery' does not have an attribute with the name 'IsPublic' assigned to it."
But I can see that EPiServer.Community.ImageGallery.ImageGallery has attributes:
"BelongsToClub" of type "EPiServer.Community.Club.Club"
"IsPublic" of type "System.Boolean"
"Owner" of type "EPiServer.Common.Security.IUser"
Have I missed something?
2. Your point 9 (parent category id). I can not find a correct place to set the values.
3. Your point 7 (few key/value pairs directly in database). Would You like to post me them? jka@du.se
I hope this nightmare is over soon... :D
We've an existing site built on CMS R2 SP1 , this site is already on production . Now we want to integrate the episerver community / relate + . Is there any way where we can install the relate+ / episerver community on this site.
When we install the relate+ using deployment centre , it does not seem to have any options to integrate this with existing CMS 5 sites .
Many Thanks