Make sure that you new users are in the correct group I remember we hade the same problem within episerver where we had EPiServer group that was supposed to be the CommunityMembers group. Therefore we hade to change the groupname in web.config and also reflect this group in the tables where they are using the CommunityMembers group so that it said EPiServer All instead.
If i remember correctly there is something about this in the article about upgrading a site from Relate 1 to Relate 2!?
Thanks for the clue Eric! :)
Scheduled job is now adding all created users to 'CommunityMembers'. Comment button and rating are both available. :) I just copied code from Templates\RelatePlus\CommunityModules\CommunitySecurityModule.cs:
/// <summary>
/// Adds the created user to the community group specified in Web.config
/// </summary>
/// <param name="addedUser">The user</param>
private static void DefaultSecurity_CreatedUser(IUser addedUser)
// Add user to the community members group
IGroup group = CommunitySystem.CurrentContext.DefaultSecurity.GetGroupByName(_community_Members);
addedUser = (IUser)addedUser.Clone();
// Update the user
// Set access rights to the newly created user
// Access right for anonymous users
ReadModifyRemoveAccessRights anonAccessRights = new ReadModifyRemoveAccessRights()
Read = true,
Modify = false,
Remove = false
EntitySecurityHandler.Instance.SetAccessRights(addedUser, AnonymousGroup, anonAccessRights);
// Access right for community members
ReadModifyRemoveAccessRights communityMembersAccessRights = new ReadModifyRemoveAccessRights()
Read = true,
Modify = false,
Remove = false
EntitySecurityHandler.Instance.SetAccessRights(addedUser, group, communityMembersAccessRights);
// Access rights for administrators
ReadModifyRemoveAccessRights adminAccessRights = new ReadModifyRemoveAccessRights()
Read = true,
Modify = true,
Remove = true
EntitySecurityHandler.Instance.SetAccessRights(addedUser, AdministratorsGroup, adminAccessRights);
// Access rights for the added user
ReadModifyRemoveAccessRights userAccessRights = new ReadModifyRemoveAccessRights()
Read = true,
Modify = true,
Remove = true
EntitySecurityHandler.Instance.SetAccessRights(addedUser, addedUser, userAccessRights);
// Access rights for moderator
ReadModifyRemoveAccessRights moderatorAccessRights = new ReadModifyRemoveAccessRights()
Read = true,
Modify = true,
Remove = true
EntitySecurityHandler.Instance.SetAccessRights(addedUser, ModeratorsGroup, moderatorAccessRights);
private static IGroup AnonymousGroup
return EPiServer.Common.Settings.DefaultSecurity.GetGroup(EPiServerCommonSection.Instance.SecurityElement.AnonymousGroupId);
private static IGroup AdministratorsGroup
return SecurityHandler.Instance.GetGroupByName("Administrators");
private static IGroup ModeratorsGroup
return SecurityHandler.Instance.GetGroupByName("CommunityModerators");
I'm running Relate 2.0 templates on a CMS6 site with Community 4.0.517.255. Customer is using their own eDirectory security provider, not EPiServerCommon. All of the users from eDirectory are created ad Community users by a scheduled jobs that's running once a day.
Production enviroment:
'Post comment' button is disabled on blog entries, and hidden on images gallery images. So is ratings. Posting comments only works on blogentries and images that are owned by user.
Development enviroment:
'Post comment' and rating is visible for 'admin' (member of 'CommunityAdmins') and my local windows administrator, but not for my Community 'dummy' user. I'm running Multiplexing with Windows as first and EPiServerCommon as second provider.
I've found out that the bold line (BlogEntry.ascx.cs line 122) return false: btnPostComment.Enabled = (CurrentUser != null ? EntitySecurityHandler.Instance.CheckAccess(CurrentEntry, CurrentUser, entryAccessRights) : false);
In Reflector CheckAccess:
public virtual bool CheckAccess(ISecurableEntity securableEntity, IUser user, IAccessRights accessRightsMask)
IAccessRights totalAccessRights;
EntityValidator.ValidateIsCommittedEntity(securableEntity, "securableEntity");
EntityValidator.ValidateIsNotNull(accessRightsMask, "accessRightsMask");
if (!accessRightsMask.GetType().IsAssignableFrom(securableEntity.AccessRightsType))
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("The access rights mask is of a different type than what is applicable to {0}", securableEntity.GetType().ToString()), "accessRightsMask");
if (user != null)
totalAccessRights = this.GetTotalAccessRights(securableEntity, user);
totalAccessRights = this.GetTotalAccessRights(securableEntity, Settings.DefaultSecurity.GetGroup(EPiServerCommonSection.Instance.SecurityElement.AnonymousGroupId));
return ((totalAccessRights.AccessLevel & accessRightsMask.AccessLevel) == accessRightsMask.AccessLevel);
I've tried debugging via .Net Reflector, but can't seem to evaluate anything inside EPiServer.Common.Framework.Impl.EntitySecurityHandler.
What I need is good suggestions on how to find out what access rights that are missing for user! :)