"Add Entry" disabled on the NewsBlog created from Club programmatically


Hi all.

When a Club is created programmatically, it also creates the NewsBlog however I cannot get access to add new entries on that blog.

The following line on BlogEntry.ascx.cs return false

btnPostComment.Enabled = (CurrentUser != null ? EntitySecurityHandler.Instance.CheckAccess(CurrentEntry, CurrentUser, entryAccessRights) : false);

I am a member of the club and if I check the accessrights on the club it shows that I have full access but the buttons to add an entry is disabled. When debugging, I bypass that the Blog access verification to be able to add an entry, but then I don't have access to add comments.

I am using MyClub.aspx to display the NewsBlog (the one created under the Club). I feel that maybee I did soemthing wrong when I created the club or maybee MyClub.aspx is not the right file to handle NewsBlog?

Many thanks in advance.

Jan 30, 2011 13:42


I can make it by following:

var newsBlog = newClub.NewsBlog.Clone() as Blog;


Entry entry = new Entry(newsBlog, "header", "body",newsBlog.Author );

Entry entry = new Entry(newsBlog, "header", "body",newsBlog.Author );              


Edited, Feb 14, 2011 8:58
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