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EPiServer Full Text Search Service trouble



I'm using Relate+ 2.0 and I've a problem with EPiServer Search Service. I keep getting this error in the log:


2011-01-10 19:31:19,317 ERROR [IndexingService] Failed to search index 'default'. Index seems to be corrupt! Message: Cannot parse 'EPISERVER_SEARCH_ID:~EPI634284614855968223.TMP': Encountered " <FUZZY_SLOP> "~ "" at line 1, column 20.
Was expecting one of:
    "(" ...
    "*" ...
    <QUOTED> ...
    <TERM> ...
    <PREFIXTERM> ...
    <WILDTERM> ...
    "[" ...
    "{" ...
    <NUMBER> ...
   at Lucene.Net.QueryParsers.QueryParser.Parse(String query)
   at EPiServer.Search.IndexingService.IndexingServiceHandler.SingleIndexSearch(String q, NamedIndex namedIndex, Int32 maxHits, Int32& totalHits)
2011-01-10 19:31:20,330 ERROR [IndexingService] File for uri 'file:///C:/Dev/Intranett/VPP/PageFiles/24/29/24296cbd-c227-4304-aaba-3f5fcdef19ac.TMP' does not exist
2011-01-10 19:31:20,330 ERROR [IndexingService] An exception was thrown when task was invoked by TaskQueue: 'indexing service data uri callback'. The message was: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.. Stacktrace was:    at EPiServer.Search.IndexingService.IndexingServiceSettings.SetResponseHeaderStatusCode(Int32 statusCode)
   at EPiServer.Search.IndexingService.IndexingServiceHandler.HandleDataUri(SyndicationItem item, NamedIndex namedIndex)
   at EPiServer.Search.IndexingService.TaskQueue.Timer_Elapsed(Object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
2011-01-10 19:31:20,330 ERROR [IndexingService] File for uri 'file:///C:/Dev/Intranett/VPP/PageFiles/fd/52/fd52acd5-c238-47b3-832a-6698674c1303.png' does not exist
2011-01-10 19:31:20,330 ERROR [IndexingService] An exception was thrown when task was invoked by TaskQueue: 'indexing service data uri callback'. The message was: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.. Stacktrace was:    at EPiServer.Search.IndexingService.IndexingServiceSettings.SetResponseHeaderStatusCode(Int32 statusCode)
   at EPiServer.Search.IndexingService.IndexingServiceHandler.HandleDataUri(SyndicationItem item, NamedIndex namedIndex)
   at EPiServer.Search.IndexingService.TaskQueue.Timer_Elapsed(Object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
2011-01-10 19:31:58,160 ERROR [SearchSettings] Update batch could not be sent to service uri 'http://localhost:8100/IndexingService/IndexingService.svc/update/?accesskey=local'. Message: 'The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.   at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
   at EPiServer.Search.RequestHandler.MakeHttpRequest(String url, NamedIndexingServiceElement namedIndexingServiceElement, String method, Stream postData, Action`1 responseHandler)
   at EPiServer.Search.RequestHandler.SendRequest(SyndicationFeed feed, String namedIndexingService, Collection`1 ids)'


I've tried to re-index and rebuild the pages with no success. 

Jan 10, 2011 19:43

Can someone help on this. I too getting the same error while populating the Index.

Edited, Jan 13, 2011 9:58


Hi Pål Knudsen

This issue was occuring because your indexing request is getting stucked in the IndexRequestQueue while trying to Index some invalid files. You can check this in your tblbigtable.
I have removed the entry for '~EPI634284614855968223.TEMP' String01 from my tblBigTable and its started working.

Jan 20, 2011 16:19


There is a bug report filed for this.

Bug #59314: CMSSearchHandler indexes temporary files when it shouldn't

I also think there is a hotfix in the works.

Jan 21, 2011 8:52

I have tried to recreate index using the ReIndexRelatePlus2 tool provided with the episerver community migration but the application is giving below error-

EPiServer.Search.IndexingService.TaskQueue.Timer_Elapsed - An exception was thrown when task was invoked by TaskQueue: 'indexing service data uri callback'. The message was: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.. Stacktrace was:    at EPiServer.Search.IndexingService.IndexingServiceSettings.SetResponseHeaderStatusCode(Int32 statusCode)
   at EPiServer.Search.IndexingService.IndexingServiceHandler.HandleDataUri(SyndicationItem item, NamedIndex namedIndex)
   at EPiServer.Search.IndexingService.TaskQueue.Timer_Elapsed(Object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
Jan 23, 2011 19:08

Did you remove the index folder and the index queue before beginning? Also, could you post a more detailed stack trace?

Jan 23, 2011 20:48

Yes, I have removed the Index folder and there is no entry in the tblBigTable for index queue (there is just some entries for EPiServer.Community.Gadgets.Models.Shared.ContentTypeItem. Is there any other way to clear the index queue). When I executing ReIndexRelatePlus2 the Progress bar keep increasing till half but after that it stops going further, the page still shows it is processing. It looks like in hung state, it shows the process is going till near about 1 hours and after that stops the processing. I thought this is the timeout issue, so increase the timeout but still is behaving the same. and some time showing the above mentioned error.

After 1 hour processing, it is showing below error in the browser and no error in errorlog-


Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

This problem can be caused by a variety of issues, including:

  • Internet connectivity has been lost.
  • The website is temporarily unavailable.
  • The Domain Name Server (DNS) is not reachable.
  • The Domain Name Server (DNS) does not have a listing for the website's domain.
  • There might be a typing error in the address.
  • If this is an HTTPS (secure) address, click Tools, click Internet Options, click Advanced, and check to be sure the SSL and TLS protocols are enabled under the security section.
Edited, Jan 24, 2011 9:05
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