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Gadgets missing?


For some reason, the community gadgets are missing on my installation... what am i missing here?

Sep 15, 2011 15:58

Do you have the right access rights? Maybe you need to be logged in as administrator to see them.

Also see if they are loaded: /secretUIpath/shell/debug/modules 

Sep 15, 2011 18:43

Hmm... I cannot access the Url, i get access denied. I'm logged on as a user with local admin permissions and full CMS/Relate permissions... strange. 



I could however access that page logged in as domain admin. Does this mean anything to anyone? :)

[ShellModule 'Shell' routing from 'authui/' with resources at '/authui/Shell/' and client resources at '/authui/Shell/' with assemblies 'EPiServer.Shell, EPiServer.Shell.UI' containing controllers 'FailingGadgetController, AboutController, DashboardController, DebugController, SettingsController, ResourcesController, SearchController'] 

[ShellModule 'CMS' routing from 'authui/' with resources at '/authui/CMS/' and client resources at '/authui/CMS/' with assemblies 'EPiServer.Cms.Shell.UI, EPiServer.UI' containing controllers 'ExternalLinksController, NotChangedPagesController, NotesController, QuickLinksController, RSSReaderController, AboutController, XFormsViewerController, MyTasksController, RecentlyChangedPagesController, BrokenLinksController'] 

[ShellModule 'Community' routing from 'authui/' with resources at '/EPiServerCommunity/' and client resources at '/EPiServerCommunity/' with assemblies 'EPiServer.Community.Web.Administration, EPiServer.Community.Gadgets' containing controllers 'ApprovalController, ActivityController, AbuseReportController']


And also, the gadgets showed up logged in as domain admin.

Edited, Sep 15, 2011 19:46

The gadgets are available when i log in with local administrator account or domain admin account. Being a member of local admin group does not help. I cannot find anything in web.config or EPiServer.config thas's hardcoded to administrator... i really need help with this.

Sep 16, 2011 16:54

I am guessing that they use the virtual role "CmsAdmins". So just add your groups to that virtual role. It should be defined in the EPiServerFramework.config.

If that doesn't work, then you might be out of luck as they might be hardcoded to just allow the role "Administrator" to view them. 

Sep 16, 2011 16:59

Topic may seem to be old one but I faced with the same issue recently and here is what I discovered:

  1. Gadget is configured (decorated) to be accessibe for users in roles: Administrators, CommunityAdmins, CommunityModerators.
  2. We where not using EPiServer Common Role provider therefore for any user IsInRole("Community*") failed.
  3. Therefore only local admins got access to gadgets.


What I did was to add "CommunityAdmins" and "CommunityModerators" to virtual role list in EPiServerFramework.config file and configured as required to include those roles that were comming for different role providers.

Jun 12, 2012 10:06
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