Image Gallery Thumbnails Physical Path


Configuration of ImageGallery contains following settings:


Is it possible to manage physical path of thumbnails? Now epi create folder "Thumbnails" in web site root.


Sep 26, 2011 14:08

I am not very good with Virtual paths, but can't you just point the virtual Path to a physical location like it's done for "/Global" in episerver.config?

<add showInFileManager="false"virtualName="Thumbnails" virtualPath="/Thumbnails/" bypassAccessCheck="false" name="SiteThumbnails" type="EPiServer.Web.Hosting.VirtualPathVersioningProvider,EPiServer" indexingServiceCatalog="Web" physicalPath="C:\EPiServer\VPP\MyRelateSite\Thumbnails"/>

I've not tried this but maybe it's possible?

Anyway, My config look like this if it is any help;

<imageGallery imageAbsoluteFilePath="C:\EPiServer\VPP\MyRelateSite\EPiServerCommunity\Modules\ImageGallery\Originals" thumbnailVirtualFilePath="~/EPiServerCommunity/Modules/ImageGallery/Thumbnails" imgExtension=".jpg" imgMaxWidth="640" imgMaxHeight="640" saveOriginal="true" maxUserImageQuota="0"imgQuality="100"></imageGallery>

<location path="EPiServerCommunity/Modules/ImageGallery/Thumbnails">
allow users="*" />


Sep 28, 2011 14:10
Thanks for answer, Jens

I use the same configuration.

I tried to add virtual path provider to EPiServer.config, but thumbnails still stores to web site root.
Not sure, but it looks like in EPi source used Server.MapPath which ignores path providing.


Sep 29, 2011 9:35

Hi Artem,

I wonder if the following article might help:

A key point in the article is setting up a 'Thumbnails' virtual directory and pointing to the correct share.

I hope this helps,



Oct 12, 2011 11:06

Thanks a lot, Mark

Seems this solution should solve my problem

Oct 12, 2011 11:12

This seems like a pretty old post, but anyway we faced the same issue that ImageGallery thumbnail image virtual path is ignored by the ImageGalleryHandler class. Therefore found and excellent article on this topic and how to make thumbs to save to VPP folder instead under www root in folder named as in "virtual folder" attribute.

Feb 21, 2012 14:04
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