Editor functions

I have two requests that several clients have mentioned. 1) Would it be possible to break the "Font" options down so that you can choose to show ONLY the style dropdown (and not the font face one et c)? 2) Is it possible to change the default behaviour of the editor so that a press on the Enter key only inserts a carriage return and not a new paragraph?
Nov 10, 2005 17:35
1) This is already possible. When you uncheck the "Font" property of the Editor property of your page type, you'll remove the font tool along with the font, size and color select boxes. However, the CSS select box will still be there. 2) The EPiServer Editor makes a new paragraph (or div, if you should use this setting) when pressing the Enter key. It works the same way in all standard HTML editors, and the same way in Microsoft Word. Using Shift + Enter will give you a carriage return, the same as in Word. We are sticking to this standard since EPiServer should behave in a predictable way and not confuse editors. However, just like in Word, you can decide whether you want a paragraph to have margins or not by modifying the CSS. Best regards, Sarah Larsson
Nov 14, 2005 10:34
1) Strange, I recall the CSS dropdown disappeared along with the rest of the row last time I tried. Thanks! 2) Good point, I'll pass it along.
Nov 14, 2005 15:09
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